Thursday, May 2, 2013

Digital Get Down

Please don't look up that song. haha I'm so glad my 5th grade 
innocent self had no idea what that song was talking about. 
I was reminded of it while driving out here to Virginia and was just singing along 
when Kody says "what the...why do you know every word?" 
No clue. 

ANYWAY- that is NOT what this post is about. 
I'm getting back into the swing of things and finally gonna post on here. 

I've been thinking a lot lately about how great technology is
 ESPECIALLY helping us keep in touch with those we love.
I tend to take a lot of 'mental pictures' of my every day life...but I love 
when I actually take a picture to capture a great moment. 
Some of these are pictures of those digital moments. 
double whammy.
 Google Hang out and all of its goodness. 
We were all rockin a little somethin somethin in this party. 
Seriously, once these effects come into play- that's all we can do.

 hahahaha this makes me laugh EVERY time! 
Look at that cute mom....notice no one else with the effects on themselves 
and notice that ZERO grandchildren are around. hahahaha
My mom > the world.
 The best part about google hangout with my family is that we talk about nothing. 
For real. Hours later and we might have brought up the upcoming wedding 
or an idea for a vacation together...but nothing gets planned. So funny though.
Although who knows...maybe trying to figure out who parts their hair on the left or right 
is something that needs to be figured out.
mom: "ok...everyone put your right hand on your head...." 

 Teaching my family how to add/use emojis in texts. 
 Major success... hahah 
Texting your nieces is the best thing in life. 

 Maybe the problem is that when we are actually talking about wedding plans or anything
Russ is just secretly playing a game and letting Ellen take over. haha

This boy... He loves his apples. 
tv, apple tv, macbook, ipad, iphone
An apple a day right? 
safe to say he's set. :) 


Katie Wood said...

Aw girl! It is so good to see a post on here! I love it all!

Laurie Marsh said...

Great post Lindsay! Love your guts!

Laurie Marsh said...

digital digital get down, just what we need!!


Dan and Laura said...

I totally remember that song. ;) Technology is grrrreat!

Liz O. said...

Ali's text is the best! And the pic of mom/dogface brought laugh-tears, I was dying!