(one of my absolutely favorite pictures of life!)
On September 9th we celebrated my precious Grandfather's 90th birthday!
My sweet aunts had been planning this for honestly about a year...
We had a lot of family fly in and make sure we had as many of us there as we possibly could.
It was a big day!
There was 184 of us there out of all 198!! (a few more babies have been added since then)
Can you even believe that?!
Gosh...just the best family.
Can you even believe that?!
Gosh...just the best family.
How cute is this picture of the best daddy and his amazing children?
So so glad my mom and aunt Brenda were home from missions just in time for this! We sure missed Aunt Rosalie and always Aunt Emily.
We just couldn't help taking a bit of a selfie when we were all scrunched together for that group pic! Wish we could've fit everyone!
We had a beautiful dinner at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building in Salt Lake.
The tables had some pictures from different times in grandfather's life. Loved having grandmothers picture there at my table. We also had a little take home prize of mints and nuts- grandfather's favorite!
There was a program, of course!
I had never heard this song and absolutely loved it! I was way impressed with all of the kiddos just belting out the song too! hah So entertaining.
The grandkids above Primary age all sang "True to the Faith"
sang the hymn that grandfather wrote new words to, "Our Prayer to Thee"
I could honestly listen to them all day long.
Uncle Russ made a video with pictures from grandfathers life.
Then Wendy got up and spoke a bit. She is such a great speaker and
fantastic wife and support to grandfather.
She split his life up into 3 sections and told little stories for each... His first 30 years of growing up, schooling and becoming a husband and father. His next 30 years of fatherhood and being an incredible surgeon. Then his last 30 years of being an apostle. This part got me real good because she even talked about a highlight she had of going to St. Petersburg to create the stake, and the miracles that took place during that time. I was crying so stinkin hard. What a special place Russia is to me and my grandfather. Something I am eternally grateful for.
She said that she also asked him if he could sum up those 30 years of apostleship.
Well the church actually helped him with this by creating a beautiful video you can see here:
Grandfather then closed the night by thanking us, and more importantly- making sure that his posterity hear him bearing testimony and even leaving an apostolic blessing with us that we will stay true to the faith and never falter - just like we sang.
It was something that I will never forget.

He is my perfect example of what it really means to put family and the Lord first.
He is so full of love and shares that with all 200 of us.
I am so blessed to have him in my life, and to be his Lovely Lady Lindsay
Good grief, I'm crying. What an amazing night!
Wow, that was beautiful! I love hearing about the details. What a special family!
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