Friday, August 28, 2015

Russia day 4

Day 4
- St. Isaacs Cathedral- inside and up top!
- Hermitage
- Meet up with Masha

We met up with Val again this morning and went into St. Isaacs Cathedral. We got an audio tour as well and learned a ton about this incredible building! It is the largest cathedral in Russia and 4th largest 'domed' cathedral in Europe!
 Holy cow. It's crazy in there. It's got a little of everything.. 
paintings, sculptures, murals, gold...the works

 In the top of the dome you can see a while dove sculpture way up in there. Neat little touch there. It's all about the details, people.

 Umm...that's a door. No big deal. 
 Here is a little replica of the cathedral 
 Apparently this is now the 4th cathedral in this spot. Just really needed it to be bigger and better I suppose! If it ain't ornate- then get outta here!

Besides the beautiful inside, you can go up the 200+ steps to the dome and have incredible views of the city all around the outside of the dome! 
This is one of my absolute FAVORITE things to do in St. Petes!
Climbin up the spiral staircase! You get a bit dizzy. They painted numbers every 10 steps to be a helpful count down for how many more steps you have till you reach the top. 
 Hah dad and Kody got a little choppy in this panorama...oops. 
But gives you a better idea of the spiral.
 Then you go up these last steps to the top!
 This view (South) you can see the statue of Alexander II, and the Russian legislative building behind that
 Oh, and the building tells you which way you're facing. Neat. 
 West. Too far to see, but in the distance is the seaport 
 North. Behind the trees is the Bronze Horseman, the Neva River, Peter and Paul Fortress 
 East. Basically everything that is good. haha Admirilty, Hermitage, Church of Spilt Blood, Kazan Cathedral, etc. 
I'm not gonna lie....I shed a secret tear or two up there. I love this city so much.
 This is what those last few steps look like. Neat. 
 Starting the spiral down. You can see the numbers goin down if you look close. 
We made our way over to the Hermitage! Lots of people know this as the Winter Palace too..
 This is looking back where you can see over the trees (near the center) in the distance St. Isaacs big gold dome and Admirilty's gold spire as well. This place is crazy insane and I'm obsessed.

When missionaries serve in the city, you go and serve in the Hermitage once a week. You just stand at the entrance inside and tell answer any questions or direct people where they need to go...but mostly just tell them to go put their coats or umbrellas in the cloakroom. hah But it was still awesome. I showed where we would go in the back and stick our own bags and coats
 aaaand here I am at the entrance doin my thing of showing where to go. 
 This is one of the largest museums of art and culture and woah you could spend hours and days here if you were to really dig deep and get your culture on! There is art from all sorts of times and places, and the architecture and decorations itself is beautiful enough! 
Like I said before... If it ain't ornate- then get outta here! 

 What the doorknob....seriously. 
 Craziest piano I ever did see

 Even the flooring was insane
 Remember how we are hanging out with Val? In St. Petes? Awesome
 I love this painting (and over heard a tour guide say this is possibly the most famous/favorite painting in the Hermitage) of Rembrants "Return of the prodigal son"
Hard to tell in this pic...but this is an elaborate golden peacock statue clock thing that has all sorts of details in the trees and surrounding plants and animals that even move around and the wings open up...who thinks of this stuff

Sorry so many pictures...but I just want to give you a little taste of what it's like in there! 
Seriously you could get lost. 

 Couldn't help ourselves...FBI- Female Body Inspector 
Again we couldn't help ourselves and grabbed a little snack. I always loved these pastries with cream cheese on them. mmmm. 
 Oh you know... just Gandalf the Grey. He let us pass.
 There is a wax museum that always has some crazy stuff out on display to lure you in
We stopped for a quick bite to eat at Teremok- a yummy blini (russian crepe) place where we got some sweet (filled with strawberry jam, banana & chocolate, or sweetened condensed milk) and savory (chicken and sauce) blini. This place also has little stands throughout the city, so I ate there occasionally on-the-go as a missionary.
 Walkin Nevsky Prospekt with the rain comin down! Classic St. Petersburg right there. 
 To finish off the night we met up with Masha who is a member in an area I served in. She was so sweet to meet with us after work and show us this delicious gelato cafe. She is seriously one of the most kind people and such a strong member of the church.

That's me- not Hermione Granger... 
But I just love this pic of Masha walking us to our bus stop and putting her arm in mine- 
Russians love doing that and I love that they do too! 


Karen Wood said...

Those are awesome pictures! What an adventure for you all. You are so lucky, Kody!!! Thanks for linking us to your blog. Now I have to catch up on the other days pictures.

Liz and Logan said...
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Liz and Logan said...

"That's me-not Hermione Granger..." Haha!

Liz and Logan said...

Oh, the rest of the day was awesome as well! :)

Unknown said...

Haha that Hermione Granger comment cracked me up! 😂 thanks for clarifying. ;) haha awesome day!