Day 6
Hallstatt, Austria
- Our place and Breakfast with the cutest old couple
- Salt mines
- Boat ride
- Waterfall(s) hike
- Salt mines
- Boat ride
- Waterfall(s) hike
This place is just to die for. I'm glad we found this little home to stay in. We've only really spoken to the home owners for a little bit, but they are really sweet and made us this amazin breakfast! Rolls/bread, meat, cheese, cucumbers, jam, honey, hard boiled eggs and orange juice. It was delish.
Oh and just cause I don't want to forget how cute. There was an old German couple that stayed in another room here that was eating their breakfast at the other table in there. They were the absolute cutest! We couldn't understand anything they said, but they had the cutest back and forth and he was always making her laugh. Seriously the entire time, it was so sweet. Later I noticed the wife couldn't life the big thing of coffee so the little old husband jumped up, shuffled around the table and poured it for her... she looked over at us and said "my butler" :) DARLING!
Anyway- when I say that this place is so great...this is also what I mean...
View from our balcony!
I could get used to brushing my teeth like this every morning
Here's the house! I want it.
We made the little drive back to Hallstatt and went straight to the Salt mine.
It is the oldest known salt mine...on Earth! Pretty wild. Hallstatt is named because it means something like "salt place" or something- can't remember specifically... Anywho...
We went up this cable car thing that goes practically straight up the mountain! Super cool!
It is the oldest known salt mine...on Earth! Pretty wild. Hallstatt is named because it means something like "salt place" or something- can't remember specifically... Anywho...
We went up this cable car thing that goes practically straight up the mountain! Super cool!
This poster-dude was seriously at every turn walking to the tour entrance...
so we couldn't help ourselves
so we couldn't help ourselves
Once we got there we had to wear these fancy pantsy outfits. Not sure if it was really just to keep us warm, stylish, clean, or just for the special slides I'll tell you about in a bit...
But we were all for them!
Kinda cool salt lights and handsome Kody
Something crazy about this place... Like I said that it's the oldest salt mine.. they found this oldest stair case in Europe (and possibly the world)! They've also found in this mountain/mine tools, fabric from clothes, and a body of a miner from thousands of years ago all because the salt preserved everything! whaaaaaat?!
My favorite part of the tour was going down this weird little slides! That's why the back of the pants we wear had different fabric- so we could sit on 2 of these slides and zip down quite a ways! You really get goin and I would just laugh the whole way down!
I tried to get a selfie mid-slide, but the dang camera wouldn't turn around! Kody's video on his go-pro is just gonna be of me freaking out that it wasn't working. haha oh well...
Still made the pose look great for the official camera they have
And yes- that white box is showin how fast we were goin! haha Awesome.
We also got to ride on this little miners train. Basically a bench that you straddle and you zoom through the tunnels.
There is a little look out from way up there of the lake and town at the end of the tour and you KNOW I can't pass those up! Seriously, Kody always has to pull me away from just standing and staring forever.
Seriously- I feel things.
Heaven on Earth for me.
Gotta love those look outs that just jut out of the mountain!
Back on the ground and can't get enough of this town! This is a stinkin PEAR TREE! Can you even imagine sticking your hand out your window to pick a pear? sheesh.
Love this "bro" of mine
We went on a little boat ride around the lake for an hour. That little thing was just put-putting around at 300 watts! aka- not fast at ALL! But it was so relaxing and gorgeous.

I kept quoting Little Rascals when Alfalfa and Darla go on the little romantic boat ride.
No big deal...again with the swans just chillin with us
I love this place
We finished the night with a little hike up to some waterfalls.
All we knew was that they were at the end of this valley... No real instructions or not too many signs, but we found the path and followed the river. SO much green, I just loved it!
There was a fork in the road at one point and I could see a waterfall over some trees- so I picked going right.... well it lead us to what looked like someones home so we felt weird, snuck around the yard, and snapped this pic quick of the waterfall in the distance.
I thought, sure we didn't get up close- but we saw the falls, and
could turn back and be done at that point...
As we turned around Kody said "Pretty sure those weren't the actual waterfalls we should be was kinda small"
Me being my stubborn and competitive self said that they had to be it- yes we took the wrong way, but why wouldn't those be the falls? Kody (ALSO being stubborn and competitive) bet that the other path would lead to the correct waterfall....
SO off we went- back to the other path, even though we were both ok with being done just a few minutes before....
This pic almost needs no caption...
Ok, ok, Kody was right! There was another waterfall at the end of the path and it was slightly bigger than the first ones we saw.
(And yes- I was told I had to blog the whole true story haha)
I'm cool with it though...this way we saw 2 pretty waterfalls. ;)
You guys!!! This is all so so amazing!!! I'm just loving reading all about it!
I NEEEEEED to go to Hallstat. Oh my gosh it's gorgeous! And that salt mine looks awesome!
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